September 18, 2007

My World is a Flood

In my wanderings around my house this morning, while still in the process of waking up and procurring myself a much-needed cup of coffee, I heard a sound that one doesn't usually hear coming from the boiler room on our first floor. At first, I couldn't be sure it was coming from the downstairs, as my mother was upstairs in the process of getting a shower, so I stood at the top of the stairs to get a better listen. And then I heard it - the unmistakable sound of rushing water.

I am immediately awake, and after hastily setting down a small glass of orange juice I'd been finishing up, rushed down to investigate. Sure enough, I walk in, and the floor of the boiler room is covered in water, water spewing out of the pipes of the hot water heater. There was a visible amount of water covering the floor, and all of the items taking up residence in the boiler room were completely soaked.

I call my father down to see it as I rush upstairs to get my mother to shut off the water. We remove all that we can out of the boiler room to find that, thankfully, nothing appears to be significantly damaged (the greatest extent to the damage might have just been the cardboard boxes that held various blankets/tools/etc.). And then we proceed to mop up the water and clean up the floor. After a few more minutes, the problem is diagnosed: one of the pipes had 'fallen off' (the words of my father, not mine; I am by no means a technical-type who'd understand the ins and outs and terminology associated with pipes bursting), and with the help of a ladder and the force exerted in one hard push, the issue was resolved.

Thankfully, it appears that we do not have to replace anything (we just replaced the hot water heater this past Thanksgiving). I just have to wonder why in the world my family has such an affinity to floods. This is not the first time we've had water issues at home; my mother's also had a flood in her home. There have been at least three floods at the church (that I am aware of), and prior to that, the bookstore that my father and mother worked at had way too many floods for its own good.

Anyone know of a good ark?

1 comment:

Snoyarc said...

I hear Noah is pretty good at building custom arks... might want to try there...

Keep your chin up!

Hugs & Love