September 04, 2007

The Grey Havens, Part the First!

My weekend in Maine! In parts, because it's taking me a lot longer to get this formatted the way I'd like, and I really want to get home to eat my dinner.

The view from the plane window. It was absolutely beautiful! It's views like this that take away the annoyance that was driving down to Baltimore to fly to Philadelphia and then have a layover that turned into a delayed flight from Philadelphia to Portland, getting us there in about the same amount of time it would have taken us to drive there.

The view from the front porch

The front porch

The Grey Havens Inn. Look - it's got turrets!

View off the side of the cliff . We got there early enough on Friday afternoon that we could do a little exploring around the property. It was absolutely beautiful!

Brother and sister-love!

Black-eyed Susans are some of my favorite flowers.

Alas! No picture of myself in front of the sign.

This was the room I shared with my brothers and sister-in-love. I took the bed closest to the window, because I have this love of letting the morning light wake me up. I love to get up early in the morning, because everything is so peaceful and calm and still, and I can spend time thinking and praying. I unfortunately don't do it as much as I should.

Several of the walls throughout the entire inn were wallpapered in old music. It was a neat idea, but loving music as I do, it was kind of sad to see all the old music torn up.

Up next...folding machines, a harrowing trek down a mountain side, and pictures from the actual wedding! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The quaint simplicity of a cool morning breeze, scripture, and views like these from windows and porches appeal to me the same way. It's how I was raised...the slow life, with hard work on a small family farm. Lots of time to connect to God, and myself through nature with my music, and the outdoors. I'm really glad you had this time to savor it all again.