October 16, 2007

To the Owner of the Large 18-Wheeler on 95 Last Night:

Stop. Stop this very moment. I find it disgustingly appalling that you have the gall to think you own the road. You don't. Let me re-emphasize this concept: you do not, nor will you ever, own the road. Yes, I know it is obvious that you drive a very large vehicle. But this simple fact does not give you permission to just change lanes without noticing the other vehicles around you. I am forced, therefore, to come to several conclusions. Either you are abnormally and exceptionally stupid, not to mention rude, disrespectful, impolite, arrogant and a great many other adjectives I could pull from my mental thesaurus; that you are all together both blind and deaf not to have seen me or heard me; or that you failed your truck-driving test and are therefore incompetent in your driving skills and thus should not be on the road, period. I do have to add, though, that I was rather grateful for the turn signal - not many of your kind are adept at knowing how to use their turn signal, or even where the turn signal might be located, so the warning you gave was much appreciated. I do not appreciate it, however, when you attempt to take over the lane in which my small car is occupying. My disgust for you and your brethren is amplified ten-fold by the simple fact that there was another 18-wheeler on my right hand side, thus leaving with no where to turn and effectively sandwiching me in between two demons on wheels. This left me with no other options except to slam on my brakes, lay on my horn, and pray fervently that I managed to get out from in between you both before I became nothing more than something akin to peanut butter. This is not the first instance of your stupidity I have had the most serious misfortune of dealing with, either. Already, once, I have had to pay for your idiocy in previous years and being forced to pay for your mistakes (not to mention the simple fact that I could have died had I not done the exact same thing I was compelled to do last night the last time you did the same thing to me, the time previous actually going so far as to hit me) leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth. Might I strongly suggest that you go back to school to relearn how to drive? Or possibly visit an optometrist or maybe an otologist? They might be able to better your hearing and your vision so that in the future you might be able to see and hear the little people who are around you, cringing at the very sight of you. Or how about just not driving at all? I am sorry that it would mean giving up your livelihood, but it is costing human lives for you to be driving the way you do. I am afraid that asking you to change your arrogant attitude towards fellow drivers and human beings who share the road with you to one of care and concern, being my preferred course of action and one that would prevent the loss of life, loss of money, stress, worry and as well as the loss of your job, would be too much to even hope for or ask.

A Concerned Driver on America's Roads


Anonymous said...

Preach it, sister!

- Patrick

Snoyarc said...


I've had these run-ins myself and have had similar rants about them. Just because you are bigger doesn't mean you can run over the little people!

Hugs & Love

Anonymous said...

maybe that trucker will read this.