October 31, 2007

Red-Letter Day

Today, for the first time in I can't even begin to remember how long, there was no traffic at the Concord Pike exit off of I-95 on the way to work this morning during rush hour traffic. Usually, there's a line almost a mile long - a line I usually end up sitting in because 1) everyone else would rush up to the front of the line and then cut people off, and because 2) people coming onto Concord Pike northbound coming from southbound 95 wouldn't follow the yield sign they had but instead try to merge, thus cutting off everyone else who had the right-of-way. To make matters worse, they've been working on construction on that exit for goodness knows how long, trying to widen it up so there's not such a heavy back up on 95 in the mornings.

And the reason for no traffic today? They finally opened up all that construction! Instead of just having one lane now to get off onto Concord Pike, it's been opened up into 3 lanes, with that nasty yield/merge gone! Yay! I'm sure there will still be some sort of traffic though, with people changing lanes to get to their appropriate exits, but I can't tell you how excited it made me this morning. I mean, I was driving past the Del. Ave. exit thinking that I had ten minutes before I was supposed to be at work, and seeing as it would take me at least that amount of time (if not more) to just get off of 95, I should call in and let them know that I'd be a few minutes late. But then I got into the exit lane, and there was absolutely zero traffic, and before I knew it, I was driving through the brand new exit and there was absolutely no hold up.

And the best part? I made it in to work on time. Yay!

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