October 11, 2007

No. Nononono. NO.

The last few days have been major lessons in learning to say no. It's really hard, especially when the opportunities that come up are all good things. There are so many things that I'd like to do or be involved with, and I can see myself getting involved with each of them, but it would be at the expense of my health and what little sanity I do have. And so instead, I have been learning that:
  • there are other people who can get things done just as capably as I could.
  • I just need to focus right now on the tasks I've been given.
  • everything will turn out alright.

1 comment:

Snoyarc said...


It's a hard lesson to learn isn't it? I'm still trying to learn how to say no, especially when it's something I know I'd not only enjoy, but is worth doing also or for a good cause.

My current struggle... the children's school Christmas program is the same night as the Cantata at the Grand, I'm supposed to be in 2 places within an hour of each other, so are my children. I find myself wondering if I can realistically do both or not... I know ultimately I have to decide on one or the other, and I have to be with my children that night no matter what... but which one is the better one?

Sorry, just rambling.

Hugs & Love