February 14, 2008

Highlights from Florida

Highlights from my trip to Florida:

- Spending a majority of my time with all those people in that picture. I love them all very much. - Dinner at Stacey's Buffet with 70+ people (all of the above and then some)
- Meeting and getting to know Janet (who is now like another Aunt)
- Spending time with my grandmother
- Meeting my great-great-great grandparents for the first time via pictures
- Beach volleyball with almost all of those people in that picture
- Teasing Rochelle
- Reading
- Relaxing
- 80 degree weather with little humidity
- Remembering my great-grandfather
- Picnic at Uncle Bill's, with all 50+ of us crowded in there
- Playing several rousing rounds of Catch Phrase with 30 people
- Sunday dinner at Uncle Bill's
- A possessed toilet
- Walks with Abigail (my absolutely adorable second cousin, who is sitting on the lap of my Uncle Bill, who is the second from the right in the row of people sitting in the picture)
- No problems with any flights both ways, with either the flights or acquiring luggage
- Finding a good bunch of them on Facebook in the last week so I can continue to stay in touch with them
- Stephen's crazy dancing on the beach

Walks with Abigail were definitely a highlight. She's 2, and latched on to me almost immediately. She would pull me outside and wanted to walk with me up and down the street where we would sit and watch the cars and count them as they drove by.

I had so much fun with all of those beautiful people, most of whom are either, aunts, uncles, first-cousins-once-removed or second cousins. It was so cool to be a part of something that felt so much larger than myself, and it's all thanks to my great-grandmother and great-grandfather. I love you both and will miss you here on earth, but I know I'll see you later!

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