April 17, 2008

What Can $1 Really Do?

Here's your chance to do something that may seem to be insignificant, but has a huge impact! Terry has the opportunity to do a creative little experiment to help a local Wilmington homeless man named Herman.

He's attempting to raise some funds for Herman (for which he has a matching donor), but there's a catch: anyone who wants to give can only give $1. Yup - only $1. You might think it's a silly idea, but if Terry can get 500 other people to give just $1, then his donor will match it dollar for dollar for a total of $1000.

He isn't going to be giving Herman the cash. He has been taking time over the past year to develop a relationship with him, and knows what sort of needs he has, and so he plans on using the monies collected to help Herman in a much more significant way. You can read about it in his post for more details, but the gist of it is this:

1. Comment here on his blog.
2. Leave your first name and your city/state and tell him, "I'm in."
3. Follow through by sending $1 to:

Herman's Bridge
PO Box 363
Montchanin, DE 19710-0363

I'm in! Spread the word to your friends and help share the love of Christ in this way!

"He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor." 1 Samuel 2:8

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