April 24, 2008

Concealing any bodies?

Yesterday morning, I turned out of my development to head to work, and was greeted with traffic on my road. There's usually not much traffic on my road - only the occasional back-up when there are lots of cars coming out of the Catholic church. This time, there was dead-stopped traffic. And a cop car in the entrance way to the church, with a cop in the middle of the road. He had stopped traffic from completely getting down our road and into the two developments off of the road, and was intermittantly letting traffic out, after first stopping each one, speaking with the driver for a few brief moments, and then checking their license plate/tag.

I automatically assumed that it was one of those 'license/seat belt/registration' stops that I've seen every now and then around the state. So I grabbed my license/registration/insurance cards and waited paitently for my turn in line.

When it came my turn, I was greeted, not with a request for identification, but with an apology.

Police Officer: Good morning, ma'am. Sorry to inconvience you this morning, but we're investigating an incident that happened early this morning in Scottfield [i.e., the development directly across from mine]. We just want to make sure you're not concealing any stowaways in the backseat or trunk of your car.

Me: *shock* Oh. Um. Okay.

PO: I can see by looking in the window to your backseat that there's no body in the back seat. Would you mind popping your trunk so I can make sure there are no bodies in the trunk?

Me: *quirks eyebrow* *briefly nods* *pushes button to pop trunk*

PO: *quickly glances in* Okay, ma'am, I can see you're not hiding someone in your trunk. *closes trunk* Is this your car?

Me: *nods*

PO: Alright then, I'll just get your license/tag numbers and you have a good day, okay?

Me: *nods* *drives off*

I was so surprised by the conversation that I didn't think to ask what sort of incident they were investigating, but had made up my mind to ask my News Journal friend if she knew of anything going on.

She didn't, but said that she would do a little digging, and got back to me with the news around three o'clock yesterday afternoon. Apparently, there had been a break-in, followed by a rape, in Scottfield yesterday morning around 7:30. He had been seen fleeing the scene on foot, but hadn't been apprehended. And so consequently, the police had stopped all traffic flow going into and out of (pending checking) the developments, in the off-chance he might have snuck in a car, or someone was trying to sneak him out.

Yes, I was quite shocked, especially because of the close proximity to my house. But I'm not scared or worried or anything (I do hope they catch whoever did that awful crime). I am just planning on staying safe and using extra procaution until further notice.

Late yesterday afternoon, my News Journal friend called me to ask me if I'd give an interview to another one of her reporter friends who was doing an article for it, and then she ended up calling me later yesterday evening. She told me that she'd been able to speak to several people living the neighborhood directly near where it happened, but hadn't been able to locate anyone in a car that had gotten stopped. So I got to be the lucky one.

I just told her everything that happened, and you can it in today's edition of The News Journal (section B, page 2, if you've actually got a hard copy of it).


Quebecca said...

now I wonder how they logically came to the conclusion the person was hiding in a random car trunk? Doesn't really make sense to me.

Anonymous said...

http://www.delawareonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080427/NEWS01/804270348/1006/NEWS - a guy was shot just down the street from my place! I didn't hear anything, not even the police.
