November 20, 2007

Things for which you are grateful:

Thanksgiving will arrive soon, and if you celebrate such holidays, you might begin thinking of things for which you are grateful. Some suggestions follow.

1. Pocket-sized notebooks in which to take notes.
2. Bittersweet chocolate
3. William Maxwell's bittersweet novel, So Long, See You Tomorrow
4. All things bittersweet
5. Good, strong coffee
6. Good, strong bodyguards
7. Not being kidnapped

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Snoyarc said...

My list includes:

1. Freedom in Christ
2. My children
3. Hearing the words "I love you" from a friend or child
4. Hugs from a friend or child
5. Having a new job starting soon
6. Having a diagnosis to my mystery illness finally
7. Being confident that my friends love me enough that I never doubt it

Just to name a few since you listed 7.

Hugs & Love