July 23, 2007

A Troublesome Tale

Dear Reader,

I hope, for your sake, that you have not chosen to read about what happened to the author of this excruciatingly painful letter, as you are about to partake in a very unpleasant experience. If you do indeed choose to read, then I advise you to stop what you are doing, turn off the computer and return home for your general safety and well-being. Of all the days you choose to peruse through my blog, today’s entry might be one of the most unpleasant yet.

There are usually many unpleasant things in this world which we generally have no choice but to partake in, such as waking up early, driving in traffic, and getting to the grocery store in time to see that the last half-gallon of your favorite ice cream was just taken away by someone who appeared to have very large and vicious front teeth. Those activities actually seem pleasant when faced with a desperate and tiring search to secure the last Harry Potter book that is still unfinished in its read-through, sunburn, missed airplanes, 2 round trips to Baltimore and back in a weekend, a missing captain and co-pilot, airport security, something smelly, missing booklets, demented printers, sore ankles and dead computers.

Sadly for myself, it is my solemn and sacred duty, as author of this blog, to spend my time in researching said activities, so as to better inform you of the unpleasantness out there that you may one day have to face. But you may favor doing some other solemn or sacred thing, such as searching the world over for that last half-gallon of your favorite ice cream whilst avoiding a painful death from those large and vicious front teeth.

With all due respect,


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