June 12, 2007

Hi, God!

There's a massive thunderstorm going on out of my window at the moment. I'd be out in it, running and playing, if not for the small fact that lightning seems to be in overabundance at the moment.

I'm reminded my oldest nephew, Andrew, who is about 2 and 1/2. When it rains, and there is thunder, instead of getting scared as most children do at that age, he walks over to the window, climbs up the chair, and timidly looks out the window. After that, he cautiously waves his hand to the outside voice, and says in the sweetest and smallest of voices, "Hi, God!"

Instead of being afraid at the big bumps and booms of the night, he talks to God in the way that only a child can. I wish I did that with as much faith as he does it.

Oh, listen - there it goes again.

Hi, God!

1 comment:

Becky said...

You certainly get around in the blogging world... I'm curious as to how this one differs from the LJ/xanga. (Mine's just for craftiness.)